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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Want to know a bit more about us or our services? We’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular questions we’ve received, and our answers. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to assist you.


What is Equine Facilitated Wellbeing and how can it help you?

We and our specially selected herd of horses work with you in a natural setting, using the unique ability of horses to observe and read the emotions of clients. Even just sharing space with horses can bring up emotions. Observing how the horses behave and how it makes us feel is a great tool in our own personal wellbeing. 


Horses get drawn to different people, the same way people get drawn to different horses, so we just allow that process to happen organically. We just share space and wait for the interaction to happen. 


When a horse makes a genuine connection, you can't escape it. It's a genuine connection, and in our world, there are so many connections that are not genuine. The work we do with our horses is very real and creates deep connections between horse and human. 


The horses are great mirror of what's going on inside a person, without any need for verbal cues. The horses know how we feel even if we fail to recognise it ourselves. 


Horses are prey animals, which means they live in the fight-or-flight part of their brain and have a need to feel safe. They seek connection and mirror what's around them because their safety depends on it. So if a horse notices that somebody is not safe, they will keep their distance. If a horse notices that someone needs something, they will come and offer it. They're very transparent about what is going on in their environment. 


The first step is making you feel safe within the environment. We struggle to be grounded and connected until we feel safe. We live in a world right now where we are taught to live in our heads, and teach people at a young age to disconnect from their hearts. So we check in with our head, heart and body before we connect with the horses. The the horse literally mirrors our behaviour, what is going on inside of us. It's a pretty amazing thing for people. The horses can bring a sense of calm and release. They really are able to look into your soul and draw out emotions just by being with you and holding spac to allow you to be you. 

What is equine-facilitated personal development? 



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